Content Details for Basic Electronics For Hydraulic Motion Control

March 28, 2012
This book covers all the basic theories and concepts needed to know how electronic equipment
 works, how to use it and even how to design it. Many of the necessary design formulas are given 
and discussed.

This book covers all the basic theories and concepts needed to know how electronic equipment
 works, how to use it and even how to design it. Many of the necessary design formulas are given 
and discussed.

In the solid state electronics parts of the book, the author uses the readers'
 knowledge of hydraulic circuits to understand how electronic devices work. For example, the 
transistor is explained in terms of a valve, and the electronically controlled, variable displacement 
pump is shown to be a power amplifier and electrical ground is almost perfectly analogous to the system reservoir.

Scores of transducers are discussed, and the unique approach in this publication is that the
 emphasis is placed on the nature of the input and output signals rather than on the variable being
 transduced. This is important to the user of electronic equipment, because when the signal source 
is understood and the destination needs are understood, all interface requirements are made much
 clearer. Interfacing is one of the most baffling aspects of electronics for the non-electronic 
technician or engineer, but they are lucidly explained in this book. Both digital and analog circuits are covered.

Table Of Contents:

Essential Ideas About Calculus
Electrical Meters and Measurement
Basic Electrical Circuit Analysis

Capacitance and Inductance

Alternating Current Circuits

Diodes, Rectifiers and Power Supplies

Transistors, Amplifiers and Other Signal Processing

Special Circuits for Electrohydraulic Control

Digital Electronics

Challenges of the Control Chain: Measurement, Data Transmission and Noise Control

Physical Principles of Transduction
Proportional Electrohydraulic Interface Device Fundamentals

Electrohydraulic Feedback Control Systems

Motion Control

Electrohydraulic Glossary and Analogies App A

Price of book: $99.00

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