
Adding sensors to equipment

Leveraging Sensor Data to Manage Assets

When you can see the temperatures of motors, the speeds of conveyor belts and the vibration levels of bearings and gearboxes, you can predict the future.
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Pneumatic system efficiency can be achieved by taking a system-wide approach

Improve Pneumatic System Efficiency: Key Steps to Follow

The energy efficiency of pneumatic systems can be improved by evaluating ways to reduce the demand for compressed air.
Emerging Technologies

Understanding Proportional Control Valve Circuits

Proper circuit design for proportional control valves ensures optimized system performance.
250983508 © Ryzhov Sergey | Dreamstime.com
Hydraulic Proportional Valves
Hydraulic Valves

What's the Difference Between a Servo Valve and a Proportional Valve?

There remain differing opinions in the fluid power industry on how exactly to define servo and proportional valves.
Danfoss Power Solutions
Choosing the right hose for high-pressure hydraulic systems ensures machine performance
Hose & Tubing

Braided Hydraulic Hose Meets High Pressure Needs of Electric Backhoe

Replacing spiral hydraulic hoses with braided hoses offered cost and weight savings for a mobile equipment manufacturer without compromising on its high-pressure requirements....



Fundamentals of Fluid Power

Download our design guide to aid development of pneumatic, hydraulic and mechatronic systems.
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hydraulic hoses installed on mobile machinery
Hose & Tubing

Extending Hydraulic Hose Life: Going Beyond Standard Expectations

Understanding how to select, install and maintain hydraulic hoses will ensure their longevity.
Vacuum Technology

Understanding the Fundamentals of Vacuum Technology

Knowing how to measure vacuum level and select the right pump technology are some of the basic steps required to design an optimized vacuum system.
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Learning how to recognize and avoid common failures with solenoids can help to minimize unplanned machine downtime.
Hydraulic Valves

Solenoid Troubleshooting Checklist

Learning how to identify common causes of solenoid failure and how to prevent them will help to reduce unplanned downtime.
Hydraulic Valves

Understanding Electrohydraulic Valve Types

Better understanding of the electrohydraulic valve types available in the market will help to ensure the right option is selected for an application's flow and pressure control...