Those topics are all interesting because we write about them regularly. What’s more difficult to write about is the importance of various factors in the purchasing decision. But Jane has those covered, too. Not surprisingly, the most important factor, by far, is product quality. Prompt delivery came in second and engineering assistance third. After-the-sale service and supplier reputation tied at fourth. I was surprised, though, that Made in USA came in last. It was still important—scoring a weighted response of about 63%—just not as high as others. Buying multiple products from a single source didn’t fare much better, nor did low price.
The next couple topics, however, are of greatest interest to me. First, we asked subscribers to rate the importance of various product information sources. As expected, supplier websites is the clear winner, followed closely by search engines. Trade magazines, by the way, placed in the top third, right behind distributors and sales reps.
Let’s wrap things up by looking at social media. Traditionally, editors were not considered to have marketing roles. But management all over the country is pushing editors, engineers, service technicians, and other non-marketing technical roles into social media. I often ask readers about their involvement in social media whenever I can—usually at trade shows. But that doesn’t even scratch the surface, so here’s where I pay close attention to our latest survey.
We first asked how much value subscribers place on social media in their jobs. Only 14% responded very important or extremely important. About a fourth answered moderately important, but 62% replied that social media was either slightly important or not at all important. The other question asked which social media sites readers used for work-related purposes. The answers: LinkedIn, 66%; Google plus, 50%; Facebook, 25%; and Twitter, 8%. (The numbers add up to more than 100 because participants could pick more than one.)
Thanks to all of you who took the time to complete our survey. It really does help us better provide the information important to you.