Pumped for our fluid power events

March 28, 2013
A look at the hydraulic and pneumatic training available at the Fluid Power Conference & Expo, slated for New Orleans, Milwaukee, Louisville, and Nashville.

We just had a meeting a few hours ago to go over a few details for our Fluid Power Conference & Expos this year, and it got me pumped for what is going to be a great year of fluid power training.

I know I'm a bit prejudiced when I say they're great events, but it's true — we bring an exclusive group of technical trainers and exhibitors together to give our attendees a great experience. And this year, we're holding the event in four locations, all great cities to boot!

I'm excited to attend WasteExpo May 20-23 for the first time ever, as we once again co-locate our Fluid Power Conference & Expo at this event. Thrilled to return to New Orleans, one of my favorite cities in this country (oh, the food!), and thrilled to see the largest exhibition of the waste reduction and recycling market for the first time. Once again, Bob Sheaf of CFC-Solar will be joining our panel of industry presenters to lead the conference here.

Then we head up to the Milwaukee School of Engineering June 11-12, where Tom Wanke of MSOE and Bob Sheaf will pack a one-two punch of basics and troubleshooting sessions, as well as others presented by industry members. This event's got me excited because like Cleveland, Milwaukee is a beautiful little city on the lake. Having visited this hotbed of fluid power twice for work, I'm excited to return once again to MSOE and have a chance to see the Grohmann Museum on campus, which highlights The Man at Work Collection. I unfortunately never had time to visit this museum on my prior visits but have heard nothing but good things about it. We'll be having breakfast there on day two of the conference, sponsored by Price Engineering. And once again, we'll cap off day one with a cocktail hour and poster session from CCEFP/MSOE students, sponsored by Brand Hydraulics.

Next up we're heading down to Louisville for ICUEE October 1-3, where we will host one day of conferences. This will be another enjoyable trip down memory lane for me, as ICUEE was my first-ever trade show I attended in my life, and most impotantly, as a member of the H&P staff.

And then we head south once again to Nashville Novembe 6-7, yet another city I have a soft spot in my heart for! I've been down there a few times as a child and adult but had the pleasure of visiting that great city for a travel press trip in my news reporting days. Looking forward to seeing the city of country again and seeing the esteemed Vanderbilt University campus, as we locate at this CCEFP university.

Helping put these events together is a lot of work, but we're excited for a great year. Hope you'll join in my excitement!

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