Challenges and Benefits of Going Wireless
Laird PLC recently introduced a wireless e-stop system, Safe-E-Stop, that can be integrated with existing hard-wired emergency stop systems for assembly lines and other production systems. It improves on-the-job safety by allowing an individual or group of operators to immediately shut down a production line without having to run to a hard-wired E-stop station. Furthermore, the closest machine-mounted E-stop might even be in the same danger zone created by the emergency. Rushing to the next available E-stop could pose a hazard and add precious seconds—or minutes—to an emergency’s response time.
Laird engineers developed the SIL 3-rated wireless personal safety solution, which is available through Rockwell Automation’s Encompass Partner program with Rockwell Automation distributors.
David Stagg, product manager for Laird Controls, says, “Our new Safe-E-Stop system is a reliable, cost-effective wireless solution that can be easily integrated into existing hard-wired E-stop systems to save precious seconds to avert worker injury or even death, and equipment damage in the event of a crisis.”
The Safe-E-Stop system provides continuous status indicators with LED and LCD readouts. The EtherNet/IP port on the Machine Safety Device (MSD) can be used to report the status of actuated wireless E-Stops to operations personnel. As many as five Personal Safety Devices (PSDs) can be simultaneously linked to the MSD, which permits multiple operators to work independently or collaboratively to oversee an operation or solve a problem.
If an E-Stop on any of the linked PSDs is activated, the MSD commands a stop. All PSDs are immediately notified of the stop condition, the machine is shut down, and the system identifies the PSD responsible for the stop. The PSDs have visual and haptic (vibration) warning systems for conditions such as low battery and low RF signal designed to allow workers to move about the area within a 100-m line of sight range of the MSD.
For more information, call Laird USA, Earth City, Mo., (636) 898-6000 or visit its website.