Integrated hydraulic power pack consists of a 1.4 gpm, 28 Vdc electric driven motorpump,As electric motor technology evolves, higher power density enables electric actuation to replace hydraulics for some secondary controls, such as flaps, speed brakes, trimming, and steering. This helps reduce the extent of the hydraulic network in the airplane. Primary flight controls are also migrating toward more electric, in the form of electro-hydrostatic actuators, or EHAs. These are essentially hydraulic actuators complete with their own dedicated miniature hydraulic power packs, so connection to a central hydraulic network is no longer needed.
A variation on the EHA theme is to use a more conventional set of hydraulic actuators for controls, such as the elevator and rudder located in the tail section of the aircraft, and supply them from a small, dedicated local hydraulic power pack. This scheme also reduces the extent of hydraulic piping necessary in the network.
These trends are tending to migrate the power extraction from the engines from hydraulic toward electric, reducing the size and number of engine driven pumps while increasing the capacity of electric generators.
The holy grail is the all-electric airplane, with novel generators embedded within engine spools. However, hydraulic actuators will ultimately still move the control surfaces for the most demanding applications. Only the myriad of tubing will be reduced.
This information was submitted by Peter Stricker, of Eaton Aerospace, Jackson, Miss. For more information, contact him at [email protected].