4. The analytical schematic for the Type-1 motor is the mirror image of that for the Type-1 pump.
If the case-drain port is blocked, or if it doesn’t exist, then all of the previously mentioned limitations exist. More importantly, though, the three separate internal leakage resistances will combine to form a new, single, port-to-port leakage resistance in schematic form. The new, simplified analytical schematic is shown in Fig. 5.
Hydraulic Motors
The reality is that hydraulic pumps and motors are essentially the same machines, especially in the hydrostatic transmission. In some applications, the pump and motor are forever exchanging roles. When accelerating, a pump is a pump and a motor is a motor. But when decelerating (especially if the loads have significant inertia), the motor absorbs mechanical energy from that stored in the spinning inertia, which is transmitted to the pump as hydraulic energy, turning the pump into a motor.
chanical power that comes out of the pump shaft is transmitted mechanically to the prime mover. If the prime mover is an electric motor, it converts the mechanical power into electrical power and transfers it to the power grid to be used elsewhere. This is an example of an efficient, fully energy-regenerative system. More will be discussed later about this phenomenon in the next installment of “Motion Control.”