Tracks on the Peterson Pacific’s mobile loaders allow it to maneuver into tighter spaces than wheel machines or fifth-wheel versions, resulting in higher productivity at job sites.
Operation Courtesy of Hydraulics
The operator first navigates the machine to the work area, then engages a clutch and increases engine speed to 2,150 rpm. Next, the hydraulically driven feed chain conveyor and discharge belt conveyors are engaged. Working in concert with the feed conveyor is a feed roller—a large rotating wheel above the feed chain at the entrance to the rotor housing. The feed roller normally floats on top of the load and compresses it against the feed chain with its own weight. Speed of the feed-roll motor is synchronized with the rotor (engine) speed for near-continuous feeding. The operator can raise the feed roll if a large stump or other oversized object must be processed.
The shredder’s hydraulic system plays a major role in the operation of the machine’s various functions, including:
• feed chain conveyor,
• primary and secondary discharge conveyors,
• the powered compression roller,
• the track drives, and
• the foldable discharge conveyor, which is positioned by hydraulic cylinders.
Once the machine is at the job site, the operator activates the discharge conveyors, then the feed system. If material suddenly becomes too tough or dense and object bogs down the engine below a predetermined speed, the feed system reverses to prevent stalling the engine. When the operator raises the engine speed beyond the predetermined speed, the feed system automatically shifts into the forward direction, carrying material into the grinder. The feed speed is set by the operator via adjustment of a hydraulic flow control and can be varied from very slow (less than 15 ft/min) to fast (in excess of 50 ft/min).
An adaptive feed system monitors the grinding load and varies the speed of the feed system to keep the engine working at its best combination of power and fuel economy. It accelerates the feed when the engine load is light slows when the load is high, and reverses feed when the load is excessive. The engine speed is also adjustable to suit the needs of the individual operation and material being ground. The operator can set the feed system to react to engine speed only or a combination of engine speed and hydraulic pressure at the feed chain motor to control the feed system stopping or reversing.