Figure 2 — All disturbances can be resolved into a single disturbance current acting on the valve input current. Click on image for larger view.
The disturbance current can be caused by several conditions, such as supply and tank-pressure changes, variations in load force, and other conditions that affect valve null. Disturbance current is measurable, but the depiction in Figure 2 is somewhat a mathematical abstraction of the actual physical process. It is, nonetheless, useful and accurate enough for explaining the process.
Stopping the cylinder
If we stop the cylinder, it is in a positional steady state, and a necessary force balance acts on the piston. This requires the velocity to be zero. In Figure 2, this means the input to the position integrator must be exactly zero. Similarly, the valve output flow must also be zero; therefore, the effective current into the valve, IEFF, is zero. An equation that summarizes the steady-state condition at the input to the valve flow gain block, GQ, reflects the effective valve current and is given by:
IEFF = ID + C • A – A • H • X
But for positional steady state, the effective input current of the valve is zero, so:
XSS = (ID + C • A)/(A • H)
After separating into two terms:
XSS = ID/(A • H) + (C/H)
This equation is interesting because it shows that in a condition of zero disturbance current, the output position, XSS, is simply the command signal, C, divided by the transducer gain, H, the desired result. But it also describes the effects of disturbance current and clearly shows that the effects of it are reduced inversely proportional to the magnitude A × H. Therefore, even though the disturbances are inevitable, their effects can be held within bounds if the loop gain is high enough.
Indeed, this is a design ploy for systems using proportional control. That is, knowing what load, pressure, and temperature variations to expect, the designer can match the allowable positioning error to the expected disturbance current and determine the gain and closed-loop bandwidth required.
Click here to view the conclusion of this discussion, which is published in the November 2013 issue of Hydraulics & Pneumatics.
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