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Hydraulic Valve Specification Guide: Supplier Index

June 17, 2019
This list contains more than 100 companies offering a wide variety of hydraulic valves. Each company’s website is provided, with detailed contact information for advertisers in this issue.

Manufacturers of Hydraulic Valves

Accumulators Inc., www.accumulators.com

ALA Industries Ltd, www.yuken.org

Anchor Fluid Power, 5553 Murray Rd., Cincinnati, OH 45227; (513) 527-4444, Fax: (513) 527-4449; [email protected], www.anchorfluidpower.com

Argo-Hytos Inc., www.argo-hytos.com

Atos SpA, Via Alla Piana 57, 21018 Sesto Calende, Italy; +39 0331 922078, [email protected], www.atos.com

Bailey International Corp., www.baileyhydraulics.com

Bondioli & Pavesi, www.bondioliepavesi.com

Bosch Rexroth, www.boschrexroth.com

Brand Hydraulics, www.brand-hyd.com

Brennan Industries, www.brennaninc.com

Danfoss ICS, www.comatrol.com

CPV Mfg. Inc., www.cpvmfg.com

DEL Hydraulics Inc., www.delhydraulics.com

Deltrol Fluid Products, www.deltrolfluid.com

Dixon Valve & Coupling Co., www.dixonvalve.com

Eaton Corp., Hydraulics Group, www.eaton.com

Feroy Co. Inc., www.feroy.com

F.LLI Tognella SpA, www.tognella.it

Fluid Energy Controls Inc., www.fecntl.com

Fluid Line Products Inc., www.fluidline.com

Fluid Power Inc., www.fluidpowerinc.com

FluiDyne Fluid Power, 31915 Groesbeck Hwy, Fraser, MI 48026; (800) 842-5377, (586) 296-7200, Fax: (586) 296-7210, [email protected], www.fluidynefp.com

FORCE America, Inc., Valve Mfg. Div., 4010 Iowa St., Alexandria, MN 56308; (844) 825-8399; [email protected], www.forceamerica.com/valvedivision

Galland Henning Nopak Inc., www.nopak.com

Hannon Hydraulics, www.hannonhydraulics.com

HAWE North America, Inc., 9009 K Perimeter Woods Dr., Charlotte, NC 28216; (704) 509-1599, Fax: (704) 509-6302; [email protected], www.hawe.com

Heavy Motions Inc., www.heavymotions.com

Hengli America, www.hengliamerica.com

High Pressure Equipment Co., www.highpressure.com,

HKX Inc., www.hkx.com

HYDAC Technology Corp., www.hydacusa.com

HydraForce Inc., www.hydraforce.com,

Hydraulex, 47995 Gratiot Ave., Chesterfield, MI 48051; (586) 949-4240, (800) 422-4279; [email protected], www.hydraulex.com

Hydromech Industries Co., www.hydrome.com.tw

Hyflow Controls Inc., www.hyflow-controls.com

Industrial Servo Hydraulics Inc., www.indservo.com

Inserta Products, www.inserta.com

Interface Devices Inc., www.interfacedevices.com

JEM Technical, www.jemtechnical.com

Kepner Products Co., 995 N. Ellsworth Ave., Villa Park, IL 60181; (630) 279-1550, (630) 279-9669; [email protected], www.kepner.com

The Lee Co., 2 Pettipaug Rd., Westbrook, CT 06498, (860) 399-6281, Fax: (860) 399-2270, [email protected], www.theleeco.com

Lynch Fluid Controls Inc., www.lynch.ca

MICO Inc., www.mico.com,

Moog Inc, www.moog.com

MP Filtri USA Inc., www.mpfiltriusa.com

Muncie Power Products, www.munciepower.com

Nachi America Inc., www.nachiamerica.com

Nimco Controls Inc., www.nimco-controls.com

O'Keefe Controls Co., www.okeefecontrols.com

PacSeal Hydraulics Inc., www.pacsealhydraulics.com

Peter Paul Electronics Co., www.peterpaul.com

Parker Hannifin Corp., Hydraulic Valve Div., www.parker.com/hydraulicvalve

Piper Industries Inc., www.piperindustries.com

Poclain Hydraulics Inc., www.poclain-hydraulics.com

Pressure Components Inc., www.pressurecomponents.com

SC Hydraulic Engineering, www.schydraulic.com

Servo Kinetics Inc., www.servokinetics.com

SFC Koenig LLC, 73 Defco Park Rd., North Haven, CT 06473; (203) 245-1100; Fax: (203) 245-3072; [email protected], www.sfckoenig.com

Source Fluid Power Inc., sourcefp.com

Spartan Scientific, www.spartanscientific.com

Specialty Mfg. Co, www.specialtymfg.com

Stauff Corp., 7 William Demarest Place, Waldwick, NJ 07463; (201) 444-7800; [email protected], www.stauffusa.com

Suco Technologies Inc., www.suco-tech.com

Sun Hydraulics Corp., www.sunhydraulics.com

Swiss Automation Inc., www.swissautomation.com

The Oilgear Co., www.oilgear.com

Tompkins Industries Inc., 1912 E 123rd St., Olathe, KS 66061, (800) 255-1008, Fax (800) 959-3333, [email protected], www.tompkinsind.com

Valcor Engineering Corp., www.valcor.com

Veljan Hydrair Private Ltd., 4034 Chamblee Rd., Oakwood, GA 30566; (877) 793-6405; [email protected]; www.veljan.in

Vestil Mfg., www.vestil.com

Voith Turbo Inc., www.voithturbo.com

Wandfluh of America Inc., www.wandfluh-us.com

WEBTEC, www.webtec.com

Wilson Co., www.wilson-company.com

Winters Instruments, www.winters.com

Woodward HRT, www.r-ddv.com

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