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ESA Moves its Tech Event Online

Aug. 11, 2020
Following the example of other live events in the wake of COVID-19, the group will be offering its Sept. 10 training and networking event on a virtual platform.

The Equipment Service Association (ESA) is taking its Tech Event virtual.

With the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, ESA has changed the format for the Sept. 10 event from in-person to virtual, condensing a few days into one day of training with seven different sessions filled with industry-rich content. The $50 registration fee for the Virtual Tech Event will cover the training, time for networking and questions, and allows for lunch and breaks.

“ESA knew virtual was the only way to host this event safely,” said Rick Lindemann, president of ESA and Dakota Fluid Power. “We had to do this the right way for our members, so we concentrated on inviting the best fluid power experts in the field, while focusing on the elite training and educational know-how our members expect.

“We know the factory tours are very important to our members and we wanted to create a platform where ESA members could participate while also giving them the opportunity to network,” said ESA Executive Director Amy Luckado. “Virtual events are successful when you provide both exceptional training, and educational materials and we want our members to have every opportunity possible that will increase their business.”

To learn more about ESA’s Virtual Tech Event and how to register, click here.

About the Author

Bob Vavra | Senior Content Director, Power & Motion and Machine Design

Bob Vavra is the Senior Content Director of Power & Motion and its sister publication Machine Design. Vavra has had a long career in publishing, media and events. He has covered all aspects of manufacturing for the past 20 years and is a regular attendee at events such as IMTS and Hannover Messe. Vavra is also a sought-after webcast moderator and event emcee, and has presided over events in the U.S., Germany and China. 

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