
Machine Tool and Automation Show Scheduled for Milan, Italy October 2015

Dec. 9, 2013
Organizers introduce general commissioner and information about the event.

Organizers of EMO Milano 2015 announced that Pier Luigi Streparava, President of Streparava S.p.A., has been named General Commissioner of the event. The global machine tool exhibition is scheduled to take place October 5-10, 2015 at the Fieramilano Exhibition Centre in Milan, Italy. The appointment took place during the general assembly of CECIMO, the European Association of the Machine Tool Industries.

Streparava, who is also President of the Italian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce,  will be promoting the event via a worldwide road show of conferences. He served EMO Milano in the same capacity in 2003 and 2009. 

"Machines to build the future, cutting-edge solutions that give the possibility of achieving what mankind has imagined, and technologies on which the improvement of the quality of life depends on. This and much more will be EMO Milano 2015," stated Streparava in recalling the success of the last edition of EMO Milano. "EMO Milano 2009 was crowded by a total of 124,660 visitors, 41% coming from 99 countries other than Italy. Almost 400 credited journalists followed the event, where the main stars were the 1,400 exhibitors representing 39 countries".

EMO Milano 2015 is organized by EFIM-ENTE Fiere Italiane Macchine and promoted by UCIMU-SISTEMI Per Produrre, the Italian Machine Tools, Robots, and Automation Manufacturers’ Assn.

For more information, visit

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