The Ultimate PMAT, from PIAB, Hingham, Mass., is a modular automation tooling solution that allows for up to 98% reduction in compressed air consumption, compared to alternative air-powered venturi systems. Combining a COAX vacuum cartridge with a Duraflex suction cup and a Vacustat check valve, Ultimate PMAT allows designers to construct the most energy efficient vacuum-end effector tools for a variety of general industrial and material handling applications, including sheet metal stamping, die-casting, injection molding, thermoforming, and glass handling.
Made of hard-coat anodized aluminum, the Ultimate PMAT tooling is lightweight and easy to assemble on-site without welding or use of special tools — making it ideal for handling materials in both the raw and finished stages of production. A flexible design allows Ultimate PMAT to be quickly configured to handle large metal parts or small plastic components.
Ultimate PMAT features a swivel arm assembly powered by a COAX vacuum cartridge, which uses a multi-stage concept for creating vacuum pressure with compressed air. The result is a smaller, more efficient, more reliable, and flexible technology that allows users to design a modular system.
The Vacustat check valve minimizes consumption of compressed air by controlling the incoming air flow to the COAX vacuum cartridge and shutting off the supply of compressed air when proper suction is reached. For example, if the vacuum level drops due to leakage, the system will turn on briefly to return the vacuum to the desired level.
For more information, contact PIAB at (800) 321-7422 or visit