Figure 1. Position, velocity, and acceleration profiles, left, are used to command a servomechanism though its entire cycle. Schematic representation of the system is shown at upper right, and simplified drawing of the mechanical configuration is shown at lower right.
Cylinder motion is controlled using a PC equipped with a general-purpose data acquisition card with analog input and output. The acceleration, velocity, and position profiles also are shown. An initial dwell (velocity is zero) of 0.6 sec occurs at the beginning of the profile. It is followed by a 0.28-sec period of constant acceleration at 18 in./sec2. Next comes a 0.5-sec period of constant speed at 5.1 in./sec (covering about 2.5 in. of cylinder travel). The end of extension is marked by a 0.28-sec deceleration, followed by a 0.5-sec dwell. The retraction portion of the cycle is symmetrical, however, it terminates with a final dwell of about 0.5 sec.
The motion control profile was synthesized on the PC using the Profile Synthesizer module in the VCCM repertoire of computer programs. No integral or derivative control was used — only proportional.
Three key points
Three important points must be raised:
1. Even though the figure shows three profiles, only the position profile serves as the command.
2. The computer — through a digital-to-analog converter — serves merely as an arbitrary function generator. It holds the data that describes the point-to-point values of the position command profile and provides a “moving target” to stream the profile data to the feedback loop (servo).
3. The command profile is nothing more than a motion plan, giving the servo something to follow. However, the actual motion of the actuator will simply be a close approximation of the command profile, with the PC serving as a data logger. The PC keeps track of not only where the cylinder should be at every moment, but also where it actually is, its actual velocity, and the instantaneous values of the cylinder pressures.
Command versus output
How closely the cylinder’s actual motion matches the motion command is the subject of this study. The difference between command and feedback is the error signal, which is the numerical difference between the command profile and the feedback signal at every instant in time.
The PC also tracks and saves the error as the profile is fed to the servo mechanism. It should be obvious that the most critical measure of the system performance is the amount of error.
A perfect system would have zero error. In reality, the better the performance, the lower the error. Not so obvious is that the technology exists to allow designing a system to achieve a specific maximum error. This is possible because of a simple algebraic relationship between the following error(the difference between command and feedback when propelling at a constant speed) and the frequency response.
The command profile
The command profile initially was constructed to produce 4 in. of cylinder travel at a maximum steady-state speed of about 5.1 in./sec. The steady-state speed portion of the cycle is that time when velocity is constant — horizontal portions of the red profile in Figure 1.