Figure 3. The Tolomatic BC2 actuator is seen from the end in this close-up taken from the side of the Hytrol Conveyor pull-off station.
Actuator design advantages
According to Holloway, Hytrol initially looked at other types of actuators, but liked the size and performance of the rodless actuator and found it easy to mount within its pull-off design. Designed with fewer carriage bolts and an adaptive mounting system, the Tolomatic design saved Hytrol assembly time and labor. Rodless band cylinders also feature numerous design advantages over rod-style cylinders that provide dependable, long-lasting solutions. For example, rodless cylinders offer equal piston areas in both directions, eliminating load variations. Plus, the load and piston have a floating connection, resulting in less friction and longer seal life.
“In Hytrol’s overhead diverter design, the actuator has to move a large triangular paddle that pushes boxes weighing up to 150 lb,” says Holloway. “This can create very high bending moments on the actuator’s carriage and guide bearings. The BC2’s carriage has a very robust bearing system with higher side-load capacity than other actuators in its class, resulting in greater capacity and longer life. When designing for very high bending moments, sometimes we specify dual carriages on the actuators to distribute the forces.”
Depending on the application, Hytrol uses BC2 actuators with 1.5-, 2.0- or 2.5-in. bores. The 2.5-in. BC2 actuator can exert forces of up to 800 lb and withstand bending moments of up to 1800 lb, depending on carrier selection.
“Tolomatic’s rodless cylinder has been a dependable component in our compact pull-off systems,” Smith says. “By offering a trim solution for crowded warehouse operations, customers keep coming back for more."
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