The BST series directly replaces Sidel Series 1 fixed head Transfer Arms.The BST is less expensive to maintain due to its replaceable parts and its need for less frequent lubrication.
The BST is available with several jaw opening possibilities, with 15° or 80° per jaw, non-locking available, as well as the traditional 90° jaw opening, which locks in the open position when both jaws are rotated just beyond 90° simultaneously. The choice in locking or non-locking versions allows users to custom-set their machine, and to be able to avoid costly crashes, which can arise from jaws remaining accidentally open after maintenance. The choice between using either units with non-locking 80° jaw heads or 90° locking jaws can be reversed simply in the field. A unit with 15° rotation per jaw is also available for low profile applications.
An added feature addresses users with several different size Series 1 machines in house, with many different sizes of molds. In this case, one arm style is sufficient for all sizes of machines.
For information, call (800) 6248511 or visit