
Load-sensing valve

Oct. 23, 2012
PVG 16 load-sensing valve is designed for the low-flow segment. It facilitates the integration of load-sensing system design and electrohydraulic actuator technology — bringing high productivity, lower total system costs and easier fulfillment of emissions and safety regulations. It is rated for a flow of up to 65 lpm [17.2 gpm] and work port pressure of up to 400 bar [5800 psi]. Municipal vehicles, agricultural equipment, small cranes and construction machinery are among the key applications.
PVG 16 load-sensing valve is designed for the low-flow segment. It facilitates the integration of load-sensing system design and electrohydraulic actuator technology — bringing high productivity, lower total system costs and easier fulfillment of emissions and safety regulations. It is rated for a flow of up to 65 lpm

(17.2 gpm) and work port pressure of up to 400 bar (5,800 psi). Municipal vehicles, agricultural equipment, small cranes and construction machinery are among the key applications.

Featuring a modular design, the valve makes use of established building blocks in the PVG design toolbox. For example, the pump inlet module and endplate are identical to those of the PVG 32, preparing the PVG 16 for seamless integration in customized valve stacks, accommodating everything from simple to complex functionalities. A new actuator — the PVE Series 6 — provides the valve with its electrohydraulic platform. Incorporating a microcontroller for closed loop control, the actuator delivers excellent spool control and built-in fault monitoring. High tolerance towards temperature variations ensures a robust, reliable valve performance in all conditions.

The valve family also includes the PVG 32, PVG 100 and PVG 120 — providing flow to 240 lpm (63.4 gpm).

Sauer Danfoss Inc., (515) 956-5271,

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